Screen References - Options ~ General

Orion File Recovery Software

Help v 1.11

The Options dialog allows you set various options for Orion. Open this dialog by clicking Options on the toolbar.

Show wizard at startup

Select this checkbox to run the scan wizard when the program starts.

Warn when recovering a file to the same drive it was deleted from

Select this checkbox to display a popup that warns against recovering a file to the same drive it was found on.

Display zero byte files

Select this checkbox to display deleted files even if they have no data.

Display completely overwritten files

Select this checkbox to display deleted files even if there is no chance of recovering any data.

Ask about full disk scrub when I attempt to delete a file requiring one.

Some files can not be scrubbed individually. Instead they require a full disk scrub in order to erase. Check this box if you would like Orion to offer a full disk scrub whenever you attempt to overwrite such a file.

Screen References - Options ~ General© NCH Software
NCH Software