This is the first step of the Recovery Wizard, which runs automatically when Orion starts, or can be accessed by clicking the Recovery Wizard button on the toolbar. Select the type of file you want to recover to help narrow the scan results. This will find files with the listed extensions.
All files
doc, docx, dot, pdf, ai, eps, ps, rtf, xla, xlc, xlm, xls, xlsx, xlt, xlw, msg, pot, pps, pptx, ppt, mpp, wcm, wdb, wks, wps, txt, odt, ods
bmp, cod, gif, ief, jpe, jpeg, jpg, jfif, png, svg, tif, tiff, ras, cmx, ico, pnm, pbm, pgm, ppm, rgb, xbm, xpm, xwd
au, ape, dct, dss, m4a, mid, rmi, mp3, snd, aif, aifc, aiff, m3u, ra, ram, wav, m4a, mp2, mp4, mpc, raw, spx, voc, vox
mp2, mpa, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpv2, mp4, mov, qt, lsf, lsx, asf, asr, asx, avi, movie, wmv, flv, flac, m2ts, vob, 3gp, mkv
Enter your own extension