The Focus Fix effect layer sharpens the image to make it look in focus. Add a Focus Fix layer by clicking the Focus Fix icon on the Retouch tab of the toolbar.
Use the Less/More to adjust the strength of the effect.
Use Advanced Settings
This disables the slider control and enables the other controls in the panel. This also changes the method being used to perform the sharpening to an Unsharp Mask. This allows you to fine tune how the sharpening is applied to the image, and can give a more natural look.
Smaller values will sharpen the finer details of an image. As the size of the image or the distance you view the photo from increases, you will want a larger radius.
How much sharpening is applied. This can be very image dependent, so it can take some adjustment to find the level that you think is best for each image.
Controls how distinct an edge must be before sharpening is applied to it. This can help prevent sharpening of things like noise and grain within an image.