The Logo Maker Tool generates a logo from a text description prompt using artificial intelligence. To open the tool, simply click on the Logo Maker option. With the tool, a new logo can be created from scratch based on various information describing the brand that will use the logo. Create New Logo To create a new logo, simply add the string that contains the detailed description of the brand that will use the logo and click the Generate Logo button. Saving Images In the Logo Maker Tool, there are multiple ways to save the generated logo: - Create to Project - creates a new project with the generated logo from the tool.
- Save As - opens the file browser to save the generated logo in supported formats.
Usage - Description - describes the business/brand which the generated logo will be based on. Mandatory field.
- Color Preferences - lists of preferred colors that may be used for the logo. Optional field.
- Brand Comments - additional information that may be used to further specify the logo that will be generated for the business/brand. Optional field.
- Logo Size - specifies the dimensions of the generated logo. The selected Logo Size will also be used when creating the logo to project or saving to local file. Must be either one of the following: 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024.
Frequently Asked Questions Usage Limit When a certain limit has been reached depending on the user's tier, the Logo Maker Tool may not allow you to generate logos anymore. - Users who haven't signed up yet to NCH Accounts can generate up to 3 logos for free.
- Registered users without any subscriptions can generate an additional 10 logos for free.
- Subscribed users can generate up to 100 logos per month.
- Users who have purchased the application is automatically given an equivalent of 12 months subscription.
Failed to Generate A failed attempt in generating logos is not counted in the usage quota. - Sometimes, an ambiguous text description is not enough to generate logos. It is recommended to improve the text description and then try again.
- Sometimes, the logo cannot be generated due to network issues. If the server doesn't provide the expected response in time due to high traffic, it is recommended to wait for a moment and then try again.