Property | Valid Entries |
-outputfolder | - Absolute or relative folder path. Enclose in double quotation marks if there are spaces in the path.
-outputformat | - Enclose in double quotation marks if there's a space in the format name (e.g. "Maya IFF").
- Maya IFF
- JPEG 2000
-scaling | - 0 = No change
- 1 = Percentage
- 2 = Long side
- 3 = Original aspect ratio
- 4 = Custom frame size
-percent | |
-longside | - 0 = Keep original image size
- 1+ = Keep aspect ratio, and scale the longer side of the image to this value
-width | - 0 = Use original image width
- 1+ = Maximum pixel width
-height | - 0 = Use original image height
- 1+ = Maximum pixel height
-filter | - 0 = Sharp square pixels for converted images
- 1 = Smooth blurry pixels for converted images
-rotation | - 0 = No change
- 1 = 90 degrees clockwise
- 2 = 180 degrees clockwise
- 3 = 270 degrees clockwise
-flip | - 1 = Flip Horizontal
- 2 = Flip Vertical
-transparencycolor | - HTML notation for color, example: #FFFF00 = yellow
-overwrite | - 0 = Skip existing images
- 1 = Replace existing images
- 2 = Append number to filename
-jpeg_quality | - 0 to 100
- 0 = Maximum compression
- 100 = Best quality
-textvisible | - 0 = No watermark text applied to converted images
- 1 = Watermark text is applied to converted images
-text | |
-textfont | - Font name. Enclose in double quotation marks if there are spaces in the name.
-textbold | - 0 = Non-bold watermark text
- 1 = Bold watermark text
-textitalic | - 0 = Non-Italicized watermark text
- 1 = Italicized watermark text
-textunderline | - 0 = Non-underlined watermark text
- 1 = Underlined watermark text
-textcolor | - HTML notation for color, example: #0080FF = blue
-textbackground | - HTML notation for color, example: #FFFFFF = white
- 0 = No watermark text background
-textalignment | - 0 = Top-Left corner
- 1 = Top edge
- 2 = Top-Right corner
- 3 = Left edge
- 4 = Center
- 5 = Right edge
- 6 = Bottom-Left corner
- 7 = Bottom edge
- 8 = Bottom-Right corner
-textoffsetx | - 0 to 99
- It is horizontal offset from Top-Left corner in percentage of the converted image width.
- It is valid only if TextAlignment is Top-Left corner.
-textoffsety | - 0 to 99
- It is vertical offset from Top-Left corner in percentage of the converted image height.
- It is valid only if TextAlignment is Top-Left corner.
-textsizedimension | - 0 = Text size is with respect to image width.
- 1 = Text size is with respect to image height.
-textsizemode | - 0 = Text size is specified as number of pixels. Use TextSizeAbsolute to specify the pixel width (if TextSizeDimension=0) or height (if TextSizeDimension=1).
- 1 = Text size is specified as a percentage of the image width (if TextSizeDimension=0) or height (if TextSizeDimension=1). Use TextSizeRelative to specify the percentage.
-textsizeabsolute | - Text pixel width or height.
- 1 to 32767
-textsizerelative | - Text dimension as percentage of converted image width or height.
- 5 to 100
-textopacity | |
-image | - Watermark image file path. Enclose in double quotation marks if there are spaces in the path.
-imagevisible | - 0 = No watermark image applied to converted images
- 1 = Watermark image is applied to converted images
-imagealignment | - Watermark image alignment on main image
- 0 = Top-Left corner
- 1 = Top edge
- 2 = Top-Right corner
- 3 = Left edge
- 4 = Center
- 5 = Right edge
- 6 = Bottom-Left corner
- 7 = Bottom edge
- 8 = Bottom-Right corner
-imageoffsetx | - 0 to 99
- It is horizontal offset from Top-Left corner in percentage of the converted image width.
- It is valid only if ImageAlignment is Top-Left corner.
-imageoffsety | - 0 to 99
- It is vertical offset from Top-Left corner in percentage of the converted image height.
- It is valid only if ImageAlignment is Top-Left corner.
-imagefilter | - Watermark image scaling filter
- 0 = Sharp square pixels
- 1 = Smooth blurry pixels
-imagesize | - Watermark image scale percent
- 5 to 100
-imageopacity | - Watermark image opacity percent
- 5 to 100