Open File Menu Alt Add Files Alt+A
Add Folder Alt+F
Add DVD Alt+D
Add BluRay Alt+R
Convert Files F3
Preview Conversion Shift+F3
Close Player / Cancel Conversion Esc
Delete Files Delete
Delete All Files Alt+E
Play File F9
Toggle fullscreen Alt+Enter
The player dialog has five buttons:
- Return To Start (Home): Clicking here will return you to the start of the video. It is like an instant rewind to the start of your video.
- Step Back (Left): Clicking this button will move you a little bit further back in the video. It is like hitting "Rewind" on your video player, then pressing "Pause" straight away.
- Play/Pause (Space): This button is similar to the Play and Pause buttons on your video player. Clicking Play will start the video playing, then clicking it again will Pause the video.
- Step Forward (Right): Clicking this button will move you a little bit forwards in the video. It is like hitting "Fast-Forward" on your video player, then pressing "Pause" straight away.
- Go To End (End): Clicking here will take you to the end of your video. It is like an instant fast-forward to the end of your video.
Select All Ctrl+A
Remove Unsupported Files from List Ctrl+U
Options Ctrl+O
Tag Editor for the selected file Alt+T
Burn to Video DVD with Express Burn Ctrl+D
Burn to Data Disc with Express Burn Ctrl+B
Exit Program Alt+F4
Help Documentation F1