Enter or edit details about your business or company from the Company tab of the Options menu.

Company Details

Business Name:

Enter the official name of the business (e.g., Acme Corporation, Inc).

Registered Number:

In many countries, each business has an official number. Please enter it here.


Enter the address of your business.

Contact Details:

Enter the business contact details. For example, phone, fax and email address.

Logo image file:

To add your logo to reports, select the file path to the logo image. Accepted file types include jpg and png.

Run on Startup

Reflect can be configured to run automatically whenever a user logs on to the computer.

Run Reflect automatically when you login

Tick this option if you want Reflect to run automatically when a user logs on to the computer.

Specify for whom Reflect will automatically startup by selecting one of the following options from the pull down list: