Screen References - SSL / TLS Certificate Install Wizard

Express Schedule Employee Scheduling

Help v 3.02

The SSL/TLS Certificate Install Wizard is used to generate and/or install an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) certificate that enables clients to make secure, encrypted connections to your server program.

The wizard can be used in one of two ways:

Generate and install a new self-signed certificate:

See Self-Signed SSL Certificates for important information about self-signed certificates.

  • Select "Generate and install a new self-signed certificate" and click Next.
  • Enter the certificate details and click Next.
  • Enter a passphrase and re-type the passphrase exactly the same. Write down the passphrase and keep it in a safe place for future reference. Click Next.
  • The self-signed certificate will be generated and installed.
  • Click Finish to close the wizard.

Install an existing certificate:

The alternative to creating a self-signed certificate is to obtain a certificate signed by a certificate authority, using a certificate signing request. Ensure the certificate is in PKCS#12 format, which usually has a file extension of .p12 or .pfx. Once you have the certificate file:

  • Select "Install an existing certificate" and click Next.
  • Type in, or browse to, the file path of the certificate file (eg. C:\Users\User\Desktop\certificate.p12). Click Next.
  • Enter the passphrase used when generating the certificate and click Next.
  • The certificate will be installed.
  • Click Finish to close the wizard.
  • Attempt to access your server using a secure connection to verify that the certificate is valid.

Screen References - SSL / TLS Certificate Install Wizard© NCH Software
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