You should not be too excited by speech to text. It will be many years before machines will be able to transcribe accurately. At the moment, even a well trained engine will offer at best around 90% accuracy. It is our concept that you will use this feature as a tool to provide you with draft text which you can play through at a faster speed and correct or re-format.
Training is essential to get reasonable text to speech. You must "train" the engine to recognize each voice that you are going to use. The training function is managed by your speech recognition software, not Express Scribe. Please refer to your speech engine manual for more information.
Express Scribe automatically matches each dictation file with a trained speaker using the Express Dictate (or DialDictate) ID of the sender. This ID is obtained when they register their software (all unregistered users, WAV files and docked recordings are considered to be ID 0). After you train a Speaker to learn a User's voice, Express Scribe can set that speaker to run everytime that User sends you a file. You do this in the "User-specific profiles" section of the Options->Text to Speech tab.
Setup for Speech to Text
Note: When opening the Speech to Text Options tab, or changing the selected Engine, the "Retrieving profiles" dialog may be displayed for some time.
When your next dictation is loaded, Express Scribe will run the speech engine in the background. When complete, it will "paste" the text into the Notes box.
Please be patient. The process can take some time (even longer than the recording itself). Thus the function is ideal when you have a queue of items. But remember that you can start transcribing immediately.
Please note that the Speech to Text process will only happen when a dictation is first loaded. If you run Express Scribe with an already loaded dictation the recognition process will not run.