Using TempoPerfect is simple and you should be up and running in no time. Please follow these steps to get started:

  1. Start TempoPerfect.
  2. Open the options page (using File -> Options or the button on the toolbar).
  3. Select your preferred sound output device.
  4. Select the required Tempo - you can type using the keyboard, use the arrow keys, or use the mouse to click the up/down controls.
  5. Select the required Measure and Subdivisions from the pull down lists.
  6. Click the Play button (or use the Tools -> Play menu item, or F9).
  7. You can change the Tempo, Measure, or Subdivisions as TempoPerfect is playing.
  8. Click the Stop button to silence TempoPerfect (or use the Tools -> Stop menu item, or F4).