You can also create a list of tones with which a sequence of tones can be played one after another.

A list can be created by selecting New List in the File menu.

A tone list accepts tone files (.tdf), wave files (.wav), other tone lists (.tdl), or silences of specific durations as its components. To add a tone or a sequence of tones to the tone list, click the Add Tone button in the Tone List dialog. Only tones of finite duration can be added to a list. To add a session of silence, click the Add Silence button and specify the duration of the silence in milliseconds.

A component in a tone list can be moved up or down in the list by selecting the component in the Tone List dialog and clicking the Move Up or Move Down buttons.

A component in a tone list can be removed from the list by selecting the component and clicking the Remove button.

Upon clicking the OK button in the Tone List dialog, if the list contains unsaved modifications the modified list is saved to a temporary list, and this temporary tone list is loaded in the main dialog as an unsaved list.