If multiple clips are placed on a sequence at the same time, the first clip will be placed at the selected position, and subsequent clips will be placed to its right.
Place on Sequence at Start
Clip(s) are placed on video or audio track 1, at position 0:00:00.0. Any clips already on those tracks are moved to the right by the duration of the clips being added.
Place on Sequence at Cursor
Clip(s) are placed on video or audio track 1, at the position of the playback cursor (the vertical red line). Any clips already on those tracks are moved to the right by the duration of the clips being added.
Place on Sequence at End
Clip(s) are placed on video or audio track 1, after all other clips on those tracks. The sequence duration becomes longer.
Place on Sequence as Overlay at Cursor
Clip(s) are placed at the position of the playback cursor (the vertical red line), on the first track that has no clips at that point.