Snowflakes The snowflakes effect overlays a video clip with animated snowflakes. Snow (per sec): This slider controls the amount of snow that appears per second. Higher values would have more snow per second. Screen time (ms): This slider sets the amount of time that a snow particle appears on the screen in milliseconds. A higher value would make the snow appear to fall slower. Size: This slider controls the size of the snow. Lower values make smaller snow. Size Variance: This slider is used to randomly fluctuate the size of the snow within a range to add depth to the snow. Opacity: This slider controls the opacity of the snow. At minimum opacity, the snow is completely transparent and can't be seen at all. At maximum opacity, the snow is completely opaque. Sway sliders: The amplitude and frequency of the sway can be set by these sliders. Spin speed: This slider controls the snow rotation rate. Spin Speed Variance: This slider is used to randomly fluctuate the snow rotation rate to add a more natural appearance. indicates that the parameter can be animated over time.