Quality Encoding Select this option to encode the audio using a quality setting. The setting values range from 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest quality and file size, and 10 being the highest quality and file size. The (average) bitrate that the encoder uses to encode the file will depend on what quality setting you use and also the sample rate and number of channels in the original file. Variable Bitrate Encoding (VBR) Select this option to encode the audio using a variable bit rate. For this mode you must select minimum and maximum bitrates from the respective bitrate drop-down lists. Note: Depending on what bitrates are set, the encoder will set the output sample rate accordingly. Channels This selects if the output file will be Mono or Stereo (one channel or two channels respectively). Note: If the source file is Mono, the converted file will likely end up being Mono as well. This is not a bug! Discard Comments This denotes whether or not to discard any existing comments present in the original audio file. This applies mostly to files of OGG or OGG Flac format. |