Play To play from the current position press F9 . Play Again To repeat playing a file from the same cursor position press CTRL+Space . Record To record (at the current position or over the selected region) press the F5 key . Moving Around the File To go to the beginning press the Home key or press the End key to move to the end. To rewind press and hold down the left arrow key and to fast-forward press the right arrow key. You can also move the position by clicking on one of the wave windows. Scrub To find accurate edit positions with your ears press F6 to activate scrub . This allows much finer movement (with the arrow keys) while listening to the point you want to edit. Selecting Regions Before you can apply some effects or edit functions you need to select the region to edit or apply the effect to. Press Ctrl+A to select the entire file. To select with the mouse click on the wave window and drag over the part you want to select. |