File data path

When you close Zulu it stores all the information about each track for the next time you use it in an XML file. The file data path is the place where it stores this file.

Cross Fader AutoFade Length

This sets the duration of the auto fade from one deck to the other. Autofading is executed when you press one of the autofade buttons located to the left and right of the crossfade slider located in the middle of the Zulu console. Autofade is also available via a hotkey.

Cross Fader Hotkey Left/Right Value

This value is the amount of movement applied either left(decrement) or right(increment) when using the hotkeys.

BPM AutoScan

Checking this box will cause Zulu to scan the BPM of each track in the playlist in the background. Please note that this is very processor intensive, so you may want to disable this feature if you hear any interruptions in the audio playback.

Audio Library

Contains a list of options to customize the Audio Library actions.

Deck Options

Contains a list of options to customize the Deck actions.

Reset Warnings

Click this button to make warnings appear in Zulu that you previously ignored.