Jog Wheel Controls

This list of controls associated with the Jog Wheel(Dial) that can be set. Double click on a control to launch the wizard for the selected deck. Please note that due to the nature of the Jog Wheel, individual controls can not be set without using a variation of the setup wizard.

Jog Wheel Configuration

The signal sent from the MIDI controller to represent forward or backward movement of the jog wheel varies depending on manufacturer. The information regarding which command is used by your MIDI controller should be available in the controller's manual. Otherwise, test your controller with the different setups to see which works best for you.

Jog Wheel Latency

The amount of time(in milliseconds) before it is determined that scratching has finished after the last message from the jog wheel has been received. A high latency is used to allow for slower scratching (time between jog wheel movements). Please note that the higher this number is the longer it will take to resume playing (if the deck was playing before scratch was applied). If you would like no latency, assign a MIDI command to the Scratch toggle(if not already) and set Scratch On while scratching and turn it off just before finishing the scratch and playback will resume as normal. While MIDI scratch is on, silence will be used between jog wheel movements instead of trying to determine if the scratch has finished.

Invert Wheel Direction

Check this option to reverse the interpreted direction of the jog wheel.

Increase Drag Magnitude

Some controllers only return a small value when using the jog wheel. Increase this amount to increase the interpreted magnitude when dragging the jog wheel.

Run Setup Wizard

Using the setup wizard via the button, allows multiple Jog Wheels to be configured to multiple decks. This wizard will continue until all decks have been set but can be stopped at anytime. Refer to Jog Wheel(Dial) Wizard for more information regarding the process.