In order to use the FlexiServer system, you have to create a least one administrator account. The Setup Wizard will help you complete the system initial configuration in two simple steps (less than 3 mins). 관리자 설정: To use the FlexiServer system, you need to set up at least one administrator account. Enter a valid email address as your login ID, display name, password and click Next. You will receive a welcome email from the system to test if your email server (smtp server) works ok. Note: Email address is the unique ID for every user within the system. 이메일 설정 확인: Check to see if you received the welcome email from FlexiServer. If you received this email, select "Yes, I received the welcome email" to confirm your email server works fine, then you will skip SMTP server settings page. If you didn't get the email, you can select "No, I did not received a welcome email (Go to SMTP server setup)" and click Next. You will be directed to the SMTP server setup page to configure your SMTP server. You also have the option to select "Skip email settings for now" to skip SMTP server setup step and save it for later. Note: Email sending procedure is a critical process of FlexiServer system. Neglecting the SMTP server settings will disable all the reporting functions of FlexiServer. Please refer to your ISP to get the right SMTP server parameters.
SMTP 설정: 자세한 내용은 "이메일을 보낼 때 문제" 페이지를 참조하십시오. 직원 추가: Here you can add up to five employee accounts. FlexiServer will automatically send out confirmation emails to each user with their logon IDs and passwords and details about how to start using it. Note: All the employees added here will be assigned to normal "Staff" level access and the "DefaultTeam" team, which you can modify later. 완료: 초기 설정 프로세스를 완료하려면 완료 단추를 클릭합니다.
이제 로그인 페이지가 표시됩니다. 로그인에 대한 자세한 내용은 수동 항목 으로 로그온하는 방법을 확인합니다. |