Applying a Transition
To use a different transition on the selected slide, just click on one of the transition icons. To change the duration of a transition, change the Duration in seconds value then click Apply to change only the selected slide's transition, or Apply to All to change the transitions on all slides.
Clicking Apply to All gives an option to either update Transition Only, Duration Only or Both Transition and Duration.
Removing a Transition
To remove a transition from a slide, first select the slide you wish to remove the transition, open the Transitions tab and then click on the Remove button.
Overlapping Transition
Enabling Overlapping Transition will produce an overlap of the two clips instead of just using the start and end frames to produce the transition. This will shorten the transition and clip duration to create the overlap but will produce a smoother transition.
How to begin a movie with a fade-in
If you want your movie to start with fade-in effect, you need to insert a blank slide (using the Add a Blank Slide button on the Media tab) before the first slide of the slideshow. Click the arrow button to the right of the blank slide, and apply the Cross Fade transition.
Transitions with Options
The behavior of the following transitions can be changed using parameters in a property dialog shown when the transition is first applied or by clicking the Settings button:
Slide A (the slide being transitioned from) starts in the center of the frame. Adjust the Slide A End Position to select which direction it moves out of the frame to.
Slide B (the slide being transitioned into) ends in the center of the frame. Adjust the Slide B Start Position to select which direction it moves into the frame from.
Values are specified as a percentage of the frame size. Negative values specify left and up, and positive values specify right and down. e.g., An X position of -50% means halfway out the left side of the frame.
In this dialog we can set how the slides will be moving.
On the left side we can set how the Previous Slide will be moving, on the right side we can set how the Next Slide will be moving when transitioning.
Select preset positions from the pull-down menus, or drag the blue boxes to the desired positions.
Duration determines the speed of the transition.
Ease In / Out can be used to add some acceleration and deceleration to the movement.
Start by using "Draw lines" tool to draw lines around the main features of the two images. Look for similar features on both images and then draw lines on the first image. Corresponding lines will appear on the second image. Move these lines to match the features of the first image. Hold Ctrl to draw connected lines. Select a line and press Delete to remove it. You can also click "Remove all lines" button to clear all lines away.
"Undo" and "Redo" buttons are available to revert the changes.
Use "Zoom In" and "Zoom out" buttons to zoom images. Use "Hand" tool to move zoomed image inside the control. Click "Draw lines" button again to return back to editing lines.
Click "Change line color" button in case the default line color is not fancy enough.
You can also use "Crop" tool to ensure both images have the same proportions. Click "Crop left" button to crop the left image to the proportions of the right one, and vice versa. Red frame will appear on the image; adjust it and then press Enter to apply cropping or Escape to cancel.
Last thing you may need to do is to change the transition duration.
Now that you selected the image features and the duration, you can preview the results. Press "Play" to apply and preview the transition.
In this dialog, we can set direction and the number of blinds.
Direction of Blinds: Can be set to either Vertical or Horizontal.
Number of Blinds: Can be set from 1 to 20.
In this dialog, we can set the desired positions and the number of bounces.
Previous Clip, default starts in the Center and select the desired end position.
Next Clip, default ends in the Center and select the desired start position.
Number of Bounces: Sets on how many times the next clip bounces.
Cube Spin
In this dialog, we can set the distance and direction of the cube.
Distance: Sets on how farther the cube.
Direction: Right, Left, Up, or Down. This sets the desired Cube Spin direction origin.
Click the check box to enable smooth spin.
In this dialog, we can set the motion of the door.
Doors type sets the transition motion to either Close or Open.
Open: Previous clip acts as the door that opens and the next clip enters through it.
Close: Next clip acts as the door that closes and previous clip exits through it.
Click the check box to enable zoom on entry or exit.
In this dialog, we can set the dimensions of the pieces and fill type of the puzzle.
Pieces wide: Sets the width of the puzzle piece.
Pieces high: Sets the height of the puzzle piece.
Fill type: Can be set to either Random Placement or Solve Puzzle.
Random Placement: Fills up the puzzle pieces randomly.
Solve Puzzle: Simulates solving of the puzzle.
In this dialog, we can set the complexity of the blocks.
Complexity: Ranges from 2 to 100. This sets the complexity of the blocks and how it is stacked.
Tile Flip
In this dialog, we can set the direction and number of tiles.
Click the check box to stagger the tiles.
Click the check box to flip the tiles.
Set the number of horizontal tiles.
Set the number of vertical tiles.
Direction: None, Right, Left, Up, Down, Up Right, Down Right, Up Left, or Down Left.
This sets the flipping direction of the tiles.