Assuming your installation of TwelveKeys has completed with no errors, you are now ready to start transcribing tracks. The first thing you will have to do is load in a track you wish to transcribe.

Once the file loads you will see the wave form of the recording in the top panel. The main (centre) panel is where the pitch analysis is displayed. Depending on the size of the file you are transcribing TwelveKeys may take a minute or two to completely load the file, but you will be able to commence analysing the start of the recording immediately. The portion of the file that has not been loaded yet is marked with grey. You can see what percentage of the file has loaded by looking at the bottom left hand corner of the status bar. As the recording loads the frequencies will be drawn on the main panel. These frequencies correspond directly to the notes displayed on the keyboard at the bottom of the screen. Click on play to commence playing the recording. You will be able to hear the recording while watching the notes scroll past.

You can now proceed to the next section of the manual to learn how to read this graph in greater detail and utilise some of the other features of TwelveKeys.