Crossfade The Crossfade tool allows you to mix together 2 audio clips in a variety of ways. You can, for example: - Fade out a music track while fading in another track,
- Fade out a music track and cue in a voice track at full volume (or vice versa), or
- Overlay the end of one voice track with the start of another track.
To use the tool, first select the region of audio you want to perform the crossfade on. Next, go to Menu -> Effects -> Crossfade Selection... (Crossfade tools can also be found under Fade buttons of Levels and Effects tab toolbars). The Crossfade window will open. (This settings window is also used when setting Crossfade settings under Crossfade to Other Clip.. and Crossfade Loop..) - Fade Windows
- There are two windows present: (1) the top window shows the Fade Out Clip waveform, and (2) the bottom shows the Fade In Clip waveform.
- You can move the waveform by dragging the slider button. By doing this, the time at which the fade out or fade in are applied
- The bottom left shows the time from which the clip is being displayed in the fade windows. (This is not the start time of the fade)
- The bottom right shows the time to which the mouse cursor is hovered.
- In each fade clip, you can drag the start and end points of the fade.
- Beats will be displayed when Beat Match is checked for the first time.
- Fade Parameters
- Present for both Fade Out and Fade In:
- Start Time - The time in the audio where the fade starts.
- Duration - The length of the fade in milliseconds.
- Type - The shape of the fade. You can select from:
- Linear - Volume change will occur evenly over time.
- Exponential - Volume change will start slowly, increasing rapidly the more it is closer to the end.
- Sinusoidal - Volume change will start slowly, increasing rapidly until midpoint, then slows down.
- Logarithmic - Volume change will start rapidly and slows down the more it is closer to the end.
- Gap Parameters
- Fade Out and Fade In clips are two separate clips which will be mixed for the crossfade. The Gap determines how much the Fade Out and Fade In coincide.
- Duration - The distance between the Fade Out clip and the Fade In clip in milliseconds.
- Beat match - If enabled, aligns beats at middle of the fade.
- Phase match - If enabled, will find the optimal waveform match closest to center of the fade to avoid phasing sound.
Crossfade to Other Clip The tool allows you to mix the audio file with another audio clip. - Source
- The clip to be crossfaded with audio file. Clip types are:
- File - clip is a separate file.
- Selection - clip is a part of the audio file.
- Clipboard - clip is one recently copied to clipboard
- Position
- The position of the file where the clip will be inserted.
- End - clip will be inserted at the end of the file.
- Beginning - clip will be inserted at the beginning of the file.
- Cursor - clip will be inserted at a point of the file where cursor is positioned.
- Crossfade
- Select the position of the clip where crossfade will be applied. Only applicable on the clip position which connects to the file: either start or end of the clip.
- Apply at Clip Start - crossfade will be applied at the file position connecting to the start of clip. Applicable when insert position is End or Cursor
- Apply at Clip End - crossfade will be applied at the file position connecting to the end of clip. Applicable when insert position is Beginning or Cursor
- Crossfade settings
- Fade windows will treat clip as connected to the file
- Fade Out end point and Fade In start point will be locked at the file position which connects to the clip.
Crossfade Loop Apply crossfade in the transition of a looped file. - Loop count
- Number of time the file will be played / looped.
- Crossfade settings
- Fade windows will treat file as connected to another copy of itself
- Fade Out end point and Fade In start point will be locked at the file position which connects to the copy of itself.