Entering and Customizing your Card Details and Images

CardWorks Business Card Software

Help v 5.00

Entering your business card details

All business details can be edited in the left panel, either by selecting a text field from the preview to make that field's text options appear in the left panel, or by selecting the name of the text field from the Set Business Information drop menu located at the top of the left panel.

To add your business details, simply replace the default text in the left panel with the text you want to appear on your business card. If you do not want to include a certain text field on your card, leave the text field blank.

To reposition any text on the card, click the text in the preview panel and drag it to a new location. If your text is cut off in the preview panel, select the text on the preview panel and adjust the bounding lines around the text to increase the size of the text area.

Add a logo or photo

To add a logo or photo, select Logo or Photo from the Set Business Information drop menu in the left panel, then click the Add button to the right of the image fields to browse for your image. To remove a logo or photo, click on the Delete button next to the image. The Delete button is enabled only when the current chosen image is different from the original one of the template. CardWorks supports a wide range of popular image formats including jpg, gif, bmp, png and tif. You can also use our image converter software Pixillion for more image conversion options.

Images can be resized in the preview panel using the grey bounding lines that appear around the image. Hover the mouse cursor over one of these grey lines until the cursor changes to a double-arrow, then click and drag the line in or out to increase or decrease the size of the image.

Change the position of the image by clicking in the center of the image and dragging it to a new location.

Entering and Customizing your Card Details and Images© NCH Software
NCH Software