Storing Multiple Sets of Business Details

CardWorks Business Card Software

Help v 5.00

CardWorks automatically saves the details you enter for later use. By default, the first time you enter information, it is saved under the "Default" profile. To create a new profile, simply click on the button located next to the Business Information Set drop-down menu and enter a name for the new set. You may be asked if you would like to pre-fill the organization details from the current business set you are on. Selecting Pre-fill will transfer the text fields and settings. You can then edit the font sizes and positions as needed in the new business set.

You can always switch between the profiles by selecting the profile from the Select Business Information Set drop menu. All the templates and the current card design will be automatically updated to reflect the new card details.

To delete a business information set, select the business name from the list and click the trash can icon to the right of the Business Information Set drop-menu.

Storing Multiple Sets of Business Details© NCH Software
NCH Software