Screen References - Options ~ General

Classic FTP File Transfer Software

Help v 4.05

FTP Options

Retry FTP connection up to 5 times on failure

Automatically retry connecting to a server when the initial attempt fails. For example, if the server's maximum limit on the number of simultaneous connections has been reached, you want it to keep retrying.

Replace spaces with underscores in uploaded filenames / Convert uploaded filenames to lower case

Some older servers do not allow files with spaces or upper case file names. In order to support these, Classic FTP provides the option to replace spaces with underscores and convert all files to lower case. But if you believe you have a newer FTP system, you can leave these options turned off and try to upload files. When these options are un-ticked, files will have case and/or spaces preserved.

Screen References - Options ~ General© NCH Software
NCH Software