Enter coupons into the Copper system. Coupons in Copper are discounts that are applied to entire purchase (i.e, transaction). You can create as many coupons as you want. Copper now supports multiple coupons per transaction. To enter a new coupon, click the Add New Coupon link from the left sidebar on the main page, or click Add New Coupon from the Items List to pull up the Coupon dialog. Then, use the descriptions below to fill out the information about your new coupon. Note: A coupon can be entered in local currency format or percentage format. However, the tax calculations may defer based on your format selection. See the respective format below for details on tax calculations. It is recommended to try out few experimental transactions with different types of coupons. Coupon Code: Enter the code of the Coupon or gift card, if applicable. Coupon Description: Enter the full description you want to be displayed on the receipt. Coupon expires on: Enter the date when the coupon expires. Discount Price Discount Value: Enter the discount amount in your local currency to be applied on total bill. The amount is simply deducted off the after-tax total, i.e., the discount is applied on after tax amount. Tax Group: Select the tax group of the item(s) to which this coupon will apply. For manufacturer coupons, usually you would enter None. For store coupons that apply to a specific item, enter the tax group of that item. For store coupons that apply to the entire purchase, enter All. The coupon will be applied prior to calculating the selected tax. Discount coupon is in percentage Check this option if you want to allow discount in percentage instead of the discount value in currency. The amount is deducted off the before-tax subtotal, i.e., the discount is applied on before tax amount. Discount in Percentage Discount Percent: Enter any discount as a percentage. The percentage amount is deducted off the before-tax subtotal, i.e., the discount is applied on before tax amount. |