Screen References - Item ~ Item

Copper Point of Sale Software

Help v 3.06

Enter items into the Copper system to complete transactions quickly and easily. To enter a new item, click the Enter New Item link from the left sidebar on the main page, or click Add from the Items List to pull up the Item dialog. Then, use the descriptions below to fill out the information about your new item.

Item Code:

Enter a short, unique (but memorable) code for this item. This code will be used to quickly add items to a transaction.

Item Description:

Enter the full description you want to be displayed on the transaction.

Unit Value (price or rate):

This is the price of a single item.


Enter the discount as a percentage of the normal unit value.


Select the tax rate which applies. If you only see 'None' you may first need to configure the Tax Options (Options from the main window then click the Tax tab).

Screen References - Item ~ Item© NCH Software
NCH Software