Screen References - Select Report Category and Period

Copper Point of Sale Software

Help v 3.06

Before Copper generates the report you have selected, you will be asked to select report category (Sales or Refunds) and to enter dates you would like the report to span. Select from fixed reporting dates, or customize a start and end date for the report.

Report Category


Check this option to generate report from sales transactions.


Check this option to generate report from refunded transactions.

Report Period

Select Period:

Select the period for the report. Choose from a fixed period including the current month, the previous month, or the current calendar year. Or you can choose Select from the list and then enter any Start Date and End Date you like in the boxes to customize the period of the report.

Start Date:

Enter the date (inclusive) the report period will start from. Clicking the down arrow will display a calendar from which the start date for the report can be selected.

End Date:

Enter the date (inclusive) the report period will end on. Clicking the down arrow will display a calendar from which the end date for the report can be selected.

Screen References - Select Report Category and Period© NCH Software
NCH Software