Screen References - Salesperson

Copper Point of Sale Software

Help v 3.06

Add salespeople to Copper to keep track of each salesperson's transactions, and their contact information. To add salespeople, click the Add New Salesperson link from the sidebar, or open the Salesperson List and click Add, then use the descriptions below to fill in the information about the salesperson.

First Name:

Enter the first name of the salesperson.

Last Name:

Enter the last name of the salesperson.

Phone (primary):

Enter the primary phone number of the salesperson. The phone number can contain letters, digits, and other text.

Phone (alternative):

Enter the alternative phone number of the salesperson, if any.


Enter the email address of the salesperson.

Additional Info:

Enter any additional information, such as date of birth.


Enter the login password for the salesperson.

Verify Password:

Repeat the login password that was entered in the above 'Password' field to verify its accuracy.



Check this option to allow this user to modify others user's preferences, view reports and logs, sell/refund items, and to add/remove transactions.


Check this option to allow this user to sell/refund items.

Screen References - Salesperson© NCH Software
NCH Software