Rules are used to automatically assign new dictations to a particular typing pool or typist. When a new dictation is created, it is checked against all existing rules. When all the conditions of a rule are met by a dictation, the dictation is assigned to the rule's target. Once a dictation satisfies a rule's conditions, it is not checked against any other rules.

A rule consists of the following parts:

Label (Optional)
Describes the purpose of the rule.

Rules are checked in order of rank, highest to lowest. 0 is lowest.

Determine which dictations the rule will affect. A rule with no conditions matches all dictations.

Speaker (Optional)
The name of the user who uploaded the recording.

Priority (Optional)
The priority of the dictation.

Tag (Optional)
One of the dictation's tags.

Where will dictations that match this rule be assigned?

Dictations must be manually assigned to typing pools by a manager.

Typing Pool
Dictations will be assigned to this typing pool, for the first available typist.

Dictations will be assigned directly to this typist.