Screen References - Options ~ General

Dial Dictate

Help v 4.28

Startup Run Mode

Dial Dictate can be configured to run automatically either on computer system startup, as a service, or whenever a user logs on to the computer.

  • Run Dial Dictate automatically as tray icon on system startup

    Tick this option if you want this program to run automatically when the computer starts (or you logon).

    Select the run mode from the list of options available.

    • Run when any user logs on
    • Run when this user logs on only
    • Run as Service (before logon). Show all users
    • Run as Service (before logon). Show this user only
    • Run as Service. Do not show to users

  • Service Settings

    Click the [Service Settings] button to customize the settings used when Dial Dictate is running as a service.

Password required to operate DialDictate

You can set a password to prevent others from being able to open DialDictate. When this option is enabled you must enter the Administrator password to get access to the DialDictate menus.

  • Enable Administrator password

    Tick this option to enable password protection for accessing DialDictate.

    Enter the desired password, then re-enter the same password to confirm it.

Dictation backups

The Dictation Backup Folder contains a copy of all dictations that have been successfully sent to their destinations.

Whenever DialDictate sends a file, it makes a backup copy of that file in the Backup folder. In case the typist loses a dictation, you can recover and resend the file from the backup folder.

  • Backup Folder

    Displays the currently selected Backup Folder.
    Use the [Browse...] button to select a new folder to use as the Backup Folder.
    Use the [Default] button to reset the selected folder back to the default setting.

  • Autodelete backup files after (number of days):

    Enter the number of days to keep the backup dictation for.

    In order to stop the hard drive filling up with old recording DialDictate will automatically delete old files after a set number of days. The default settings is 30 days. A setting of 0 disables the auto-delete function (files will need to be deleted manually).

  • Open Backup Folder

    Click the [Open Backup Folder] button to view the contents of the dictation backup folder.

See also:

Screen References - Options ~ General© NCH Software
NCH Software