Prompt for reference number
If this option is ticked, when the caller creates a new dictation they will be prompted to enter a reference number followed by #. The reference number will then be displayed as part of the notes field on Express Scribe (, Express Delegate or extracted using ETOOLS
This can be used where for example a Doctor needs to provide a patient number, case file number etc.
Prompt for dictation type
If this option is ticked, after the caller creates a new dictation they will be prompted to enter a number that corresponds to the dictation type. This number is then displayed to the typist (with Express Scribe) or dictation management software (eg. Express Delegate).
The entered dictation type number can be validated against a list of known dictation types. To set up the list of numbers to validate against click the [Valid Dictation Types] button.
See Valid Dictation Types.
Read out internal dictation number when sending
When this option is ticked DialDictate reads out a dictation number. This is the internal file number used by DialDictate (and should not be confused with the reference number above). The number will be part of the name of the sent file so it can be used to audit or track dictations.
Send files if caller disconnects without saving
A well behaved caller should always send file properly (*1) before ending the call (9). But often callers just hang up where they stop.
If this option is ticked, files will automatically be sent if the caller hangs-up while recording. If this option is not ticked, the recording will be saved but the caller will need to know to load it when they next call.
Skip the main menu if there are no saved dictations
Then ticked when the caller connects (or after they send a file) and if they have no saved files, a new recording will be created automatically and they will be played the record menu.
Take care with this option. If you use it there will not be an opportunity for the caller to disconnect 'gracefully'. That means they will just have to hang up to end the call. If the end-of-call tones are missed, the line may stay off hook for a couple of minutes until the menu times out.
Skip done menu
When ticked, if the caller presses * when recording, the file will be sent immediately. They will not be given the option to save or delete the file.
Recording continuous auto-stop time
In order to prevent DialDictate continuing to record when during recording the user has hung up 'badly' (ie. without end-of-call tone), DialDictate must limit the length of recording without user interaction. By default this is 7 1/2 minutes (450 seconds). If the caller records to 7 1/2 minutes, they will hear the 'stopped' prompt and must push the record button again to continue recording.
The interval can be adjusted if required using this setting.
Stopped timeout before hangup
Sometimes callers may hang-up while in stopped mode. In order to prevent DialDictate keeping the line off-hook indefinitely DialDictate has a timeout default 90 seconds in stopped mode. If the caller does not start dictating within this time the call will hang up. In order to keep the line open the caller should press '0' to give themselves more time.
Voice Activation Level
DialDictate uses voice activated recording to stop recording when there is silence. DialDictate also tests for some hang-up conditions using this level. The default is -20dB. If recording continues over long periods of silence or does not hang up on silence, increase this level to -15dB. If recording is chopped, try reducing this level to -30dB.
Set Audio Compression Format For Sending
If you are sending your recordings via the internet or email, you can reduce the file size using audio compression. Audio compression can dramatically reduce upload times but can also reduce audio quality.
To select a suitable record format, click on the [Set Audio Compression Format For Sending] button. You must ensure that your typist running Express Scribe has the same codec that you select on their computer. The recommended codec is GSM 6.10 but see for a description of all compression formats and codecs.
Change Record Menu Key Assignment
The main record menu key assignment can be changed. Click on this button to open the assignment box.
We do not recommend changing the menu because the default menu used by DialDictate is a standard in the industry. If you modify the menu it may cause future problems when users move between systems. You will need to re-record the Record Menu voice prompt if you change the menu to reflect these changes.
Advanced Email Send Settings
If you use email to send recordings, you may to select the email delivery systems by using the [Advanced Email Send Settings] button.
DialDictate can send email in two ways:
Sending via a networked SMTP Server
This is the process where the email is sent using a SMTP server. The SMTP server usually is provided by your ISP. Its role is to relay emails for you. You do not require an installed email client.
Sending Directly
When this option is selected the software sends the email directly to the remote persons email address. No outgoing server relays the email.
Note: An SMTP server option (above) is preferred. The problem with the direct method is that if the remote email server is down email will fail. SMTP servers normally queue or spool mail for 12 hours.
See also: