DialDictate is free for evaluation use only.
In order to use DialDictate there are 2 alternative licensing options:
Purchase Individual User Licenses
With this option you purchase an Express Dictate / DialDictate user license for each individual software user. The Express Dictate User license includes a license for the user to use the related software Express Dictate free. Note with this option that if you want to change email address, you will need to purchase another registration.
This option is suitable for smaller transcription services with less than 20 users.
To view pricing or purchase a user license online please use this page: www.nch.com.au/express/register. Once you have received a user registration use the menu to select File -> Register New User and enter the user details exactly as they appear on the registration.
A user registration will also let the user use the related Express Dictate computer recorder software. You can download Express Dictate from www.nch.com.au/express. The same registration code can be used to register Express Dictate.
Purchase a DialDictate Site Installation License
When you purchase a site license you license the single installation of DialDictate for unlimited use. For the licensed installation you can add as many users as required without any further charge.
This option is suitable to larger transcription services with more than 10 user (or anticipated users).
To view pricing or purchase a DialDictate site license online please use this page: www.nch.com.au/express/register. Once you have received a site registration use the menu to select File -> Register Site License and enter your business details exactly as they appear on the registration.
Once you have installed a site license you should backup the DialDictate folder because the key is a once off key that locks to your install folder (to protect against piracy). If you do not do this your key may not work if you have to download a copy of a future version of DialDictate.
When you have entered a valid Site License Key, you will be able to "Register New User" without purchasing a user key. You will need to enter an arbitrary but unique ID number (make them for yourself in sequence) when using Register New User but a key is not required.
WARNING. Please be honest. It is both fraud and breach of copyright (piracy) to use a user license of another person. If we discover a person doing this we will report the matter to the police and, if the user belongs to a medical or legal professional ethical organization, we will file a copy of that report with the organization for unprofessional conduct.
See also:
DialDictate License Terms