Contents - Troubleshooting Problems

Dial Dictate

Help v 4.28

DialDictate does not answer calls

  1. Have you added your telephony devices using General Settings?
  2. Is some other software using the modem or telephony line device?
  3. If you are attempting to use a modem, is it a true voice modem?

If none of the above solves your problem, please see Voice Modems and Telephony Devices for some hardware related tips.

DialDictate answers the call but does not play a message

  1. If you are attempting to use a modem, is your modem a true voice modem?
  2. If you are attempting to use a Dialogic Telephony Card, have you installed the Wave drivers (in addition to the TAPI drivers)?

If none of the above solves your problem, please see Voice Modems and Telephony Devices.

No Line Devices appear when you Add a line device in Settings

If you do not see a device, your TAPI drivers have either not been installed or have failed. For more information, please see: Voice Modems and Telephony Devices.

Call hangs-up mid message or during recording

This can happen when the hardware is misdetecting the end-of-call tone during playback or recording. If it happens during playback, turn off the "Enable end-of-tone detection during playback" option using the "Advanced Line Settings" from the General tab of Settings. If it only happens during recording, turn on the "Enable end-of-tone detection during playback" option but turn off the "Enable software based end-of-call detection" option.

Recording does not stop when the caller hangs-up

If you have end-of-call tones on your line check you have turned on the "Enable end-of-tone detection during playback" option using the "End of Call Tone Detection Settings" from the General tab of Settings.

If your line has silence at the end of calls increase the Record Detect Level a little.

The audio quality is poor

The audio quality is determined by the modem. Some voice modems offer only very poor quality voice.

If audio quality is important, you should consider purchasing a professional telephony card. See Telephony Hardware for suitable cards.

Problems when sending emails

See for solutions to automated email problems.

General Dictation Problems

If users complain that files go missing unexplained record overs or similar problems first view the log files File -> View or Print Logs to see what might have happened. Most often the problem is because the caller is not using the system correctly and is resolved by careful training (and the Caller's User Guide).

However it may be symptomatic of a more serious underlying hardware problem. Try to repeat the problem yourself and if the error repeats contact our technical support department (below).

If none of the above solves your problem, please contact our support staff following the instructions listed at

Contents - Troubleshooting Problems© NCH Software
NCH Software