Installing DialDictate
CD-ROM: If you have DialDictate on CD-ROM, simply insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive, loading should start automatically in about 10 seconds. If loading does not start automatically after 10 seconds, you may need to run the file DDSETUP.EXE on your CD-ROM drive using Windows Explorer.
Internet Download: You can download DialDictate from Click on the download file link and save the download file ddsetup.exe (DO NOT RENAME THE FILE). Once download is complete, run the file ddsetup.exe.
1.4MB Disk: Click START then Run then enter A:SETUP and click OK.
[Windows 2000/XP/2003]: You need to be logged in as an administrator to install software using Windows 2000/XP/2003.
Running DialDictate
Once installation is complete, DialDictate will be running. By default, DialDictate will be set to run automatically when the system starts. You can change this using the DialDictate Run Mode on General Settings.
While it is running, you can open DialDictate at any time by clicking on the DialDictate icon on the task bar tray.
To open DialDictate when it is not running, double click on the DialDictate icon on your desktop.
Testing DialDictate
When DialDictate is installed, a default demonstration user is set up. You can use this user for testing DialDictate. The access code is 0. If you do not have telephony hardware yet, use the using the Call Test Simulator.
If your do have telephony hardware or a voice modem but is does not seem to work correctly, see Troubleshooting Problems.
General Settings