You can email a document as an attachment to any email address. This is very useful in quickly sending batches of files to another computer.

To send the archive you are currently working on as an email attachment, click the Email button on the toolbar or select the Email... option from the Tools menu. Doxillion will open a window with options to customize your email.

Note: Doxillion will require Email Settings to be set up before a document can be emailed. If you have not already done so, you will be prompted for your email settings before proceeding.

Email Options:

Doxillion will open a dialog window with email options that can be set before sending a document. This manages how the attachment is sent, who the email goes to, and the subject and body of the email.

Send To: Enter the recipient of the email.

Message Content:

Keep these settings as my defaults: If this box is check marked, the information entered will be saved for the next time a document is sent.

Email Settings: Clicking this button will open the Email Settings dialog window where changes can be made to the email server, sending address, etc. See Options ~ Email for more details on this window.