There are three ways to add new customers to the system: through a New Invoice, Quote or Order; using the Customer List, or importing a customer list.
Add Customers through a New Invoice, Quote, or Order
This is an efficient way to add new customers to Express Accounts, since customers records are created at the same time you create a customer invoice, quote or order. While you are creating a new invoice, quote, or order, if you enter a new customer into the Invoice Customer field, the customer name will be saved automatically once the invoice, quote, or order is saved or recorded.
Note that this method only saves the customer name, not their contact information. To add all information, enter the new customer name into the field, then click the Edit the customer record button to the right of the customer field, and enter the additional information on the Customer dialog (see below for more details).
For more information about invoices, quotes, and orders, See New/Edit Invoice, New/Edit Quote, and the New/Edit Order topic in the Screen References section of this manual for details about filling out these forms.
Add Customers through the Customers List
To open the Customer List, click the View icon in the toolbar, then select Customers. To add a new customer, click the Add icon in the toolbar. This brings up the Customer dialog, which has four tabs:
Click OK to save the new customer record.
To Edit an existing customer from the Customers List, select the customer and click the Edit icon in the toolbar.
Import Customers from a CSV File or Another Express Accounts Business
From a CSV File - You can import a list of customer you have used previously in another program to save time entering new customers into Express Accounts. To import a list, open the Customer list, click the Customer menu and click Import Customers from CSV. Browse to the CSV file and open it. The Match CSV Fields dialog will open in Express Accounts. You'll need to match up the columns from the CSV file with headings in Express Accounts. For more details on how to do this, see the help topic Match CSSV Fields in the Screen References section of this manual.
From Another Express Accounts Business - To import customers from another business within Express Accounts, open the Customer list, click the Customer menu and click Import Customers from other Business. This opens a dialog. Select the business you want to import customers from in the top window and the customers will appear in the bottom window. Uncheck any customers you do not want to import. Click the Import button when you are finished.
See also: