Working with the default Chart of Accounts
To view the default Chart of Accounts for your business, click the View icon in the toolbar and select Chart of Accounts. This opens the Chart of Accounts window where you can view the Chart of Accounts; or add, edit, delete, or restore accounts. Each account has a number assigned to it by Express Accounts, but these numbers can be edited if needed.
To edit an account's properties, including its account name, number, or opening balance, select the account, then click Edit in the toolbar. For more information about the options for the account properties, see the Account Properties topic in the Screen References section of this manual.
Creating a Chart of Accounts manually
You might want to manually create a Chart of Accounts for your business if you have an existing Chart of Accounts from a previous system or accounting software. This is an option you can select in the Setup Wizard for each new business, which will load without the Express Accounts default list of accounts so you can add your own. To begin creating your Chart of Accounts, click the View icon in the toolbar and select Chart of Accounts. This opens the Chart of Accounts window where you can add, edit, delete, or restore accounts.
To create a new account, click the New icon in the toolbar. This brings up the New Account Dialog. For manually creating a Chart of Accounts, you'll use the Create New Account section. Fill out the information for the account, then click the Add button to add it to the Chart of Accounts. For more information about the options for creating a new account, see the New Account topic in the Screen References section of this manual.