The Pay by Credit Card dialog is used during a Non-Invoiced Cash Sale. To complete a non-invoiced credit card sale, from the Sales tab click the Enter non-invoiced cash sale link in the sidebar, enter the items being sold, and select Record Credit from the Record drop-menu at the bottom. In order to receive credit card payments through Express Accounts, a credit card gateway should be configured on the Credit Card Gateways tab of the Options dialog.

Credit card information

Card number:

Enter the customer's credit card number.

Card verification number:

Enter the customer's credit card Verification Number, usually found on the back of the card.

Expiration month:

Enter the customer's credit card expiration month.

Expiration year:

Enter the customer's credit card expiration year.

Cardholder name:

Enter the credit card holder's full name.

Billing Address (Optional)

Customer name:

Enter the name of the customer.

Enter the customer billing address.

Amount due:

Select the account the payment should be applied to.

Print receipt

Check this box to print a receipt.

Configure Payment Gateway

Click here to set up a credit card gateway