The New/Edit Task panel allows for creating or editing of the tasks that make up a project. To open this dialog, click the Tasks menu and select New Task or, if an existing task is selected in the data panel, select Edit Task from the Tasks menu. This dialog may also be opened by double-clicking on any task listed in the data panel.
Enter a name for the task which is not in use by any other task.
Task Type
Use this field to select the type of task, either Fixed Work or Fixed Duration. Fixed Work tasks will be completed more quickly based on the resources assigned to the task. Fixed Duration tasks will take the same length of time to complete, regardless of the resources assigned.
A schedule assignment is required for tasks with a Fixed Duration. Use this field to select the desired schedule. All resources assigned to this task will work the assigned schedule for the duration of this task.
Duration (work hours)
Enter the number of work hours required to complete the task. This field will be ignored for user-scheduled tasks assigned to have a Fixed Duration (the Start Date and End Date take precedence).
Mark as Header Task
Use this checkbox to mark the task as a header task, to which other tasks may be assigned as subtasks. Header tasks derive their start and end dates from assigned subtasks. Header tasks may be dependent upon other tasks for their start date, but not for their end date.
Hide Sub-Tasks
Use this checkbox to designate that all sub-tasks assigned to this header task should not be visible on the Gantt chart and the data panel's list of tasks.
Mark as Milestone
Use this checkbox to mark the task as a milestone. Milestones are tasks that represent significant junctures in the project's timeline.
Schedule Automatically
Toggle this checkbox to specify whether the task should be scheduled automatically or manually. Automatic scheduling will schedule all tasks at the earliest possible date, according to any constraints, dependencies and resource limitations. If a constraint, dependency or resource limitation is later edited, the schedule and the Gantt chart for the related task(s) will be updated automatically when the edit panel is closed.
Start Date
If the task is to be scheduled manually, use this field to specify the date on which the task should start.
End Date
If the task is to be scheduled manually, use this field to specify the date on which the task should end.
Use this drop-down list to select a specific limitation for the task's start or finish.
Constraint Date
If a date-specific constraint has been selected, use this field to select the date.
Percent Complete
Update the current state of completion for the task.
Assign as Sub-Task to
A task may be assigned to an existing header task by choosing the desired header task from this list.
The Notes Tab allows free-form notes to be entered and associated with the task.
The Dependencies Tab allows addition of dependencies that are required to start or finish this task. Click in the Task Name cell to select a task from a drop menu (note that more than one task must be created for this drop-menu to be populated). Click in the Condition cell to select the terms for the dependency. Lag defines the minimum time (in days) between a task and its dependency. Automatic scheduling may result in a longer delay between the dependency and task than the lag originally specified.
The Resources Tab allows assignment of resources toward the completion of this task, and the percentage of their time that will be devoted to this task. To assign resources to a task, select the desired resources and drag the Time (%) Assigned slider beneath the resource list to the desired level of time commitment. Alternatively, an assignment rate may be entered directly into a resource's Time (%) cell. Resources with a Time (%) value of 0 will not be assigned to the task.
The Sub-Tasks Tab allows assignment of sub-tasks to this task if it has been marked as a header task. A task may not be assigned as a sub-task to more than one header. Sub-tasks may only be dependent upon sub-tasks assigned to the same header task.