Screen References - New/Edit Resource

Express Project

Help v 1.12

The New/Edit Resource panel allows for creating and editing resources associated with a project. To open this panel, click the Resources menu and select New Resource, or if an existing resource is selected in the data panel select Edit Resource from the Resources menu. This panel may also be opened by double-clicking on any resource listed in the data panel.

General Tab


Enter a name for the resource that is not in use by any other resource.


Enter an email address for the resource which can be used to send project and/or task updates.

Send Project Updates

Check this box if the resource should receive project updates via email when they are sent out.

Send Task Updates

Check this box if the resource should receive task updates via email when they are sent out.

Regular Hourly Rate

Enter the rate of expense incurred by assignment of the resource during regular-pay hours.

Overtime Hourly Rate

Enter the rate of expense incurred by assignment of the resource during overtime-pay hours.

Schedule Tab

The Schedule Tab allows assignment of a particular schedule to this resource. Exceptions created on this tab are applicable solely to this resource. If "Edit data for..." is checked, changes may be made directly to the schedule on this tab and will effect all resources assigned to the schedule.

Notes Tab

The Notes Tab allows free-form notes to be entered and associated with the resource.

Screen References - New/Edit Resource© NCH Software
NCH Software