After you have created a zip archive as outlined previously, you have several options for managing your archive.

Removing folders or files: If there is a folder or file in the archive that you do not want to include, you can remove it by simply selecting the item in either the explorer (left pane) or file list (right pane) and clicking the Remove button from the toolbar or selecting Remove from the Edit menu. You can also remove the selected item by simply pressing the delete key on your keyboard. Note: It is not possible to delete the root (topmost) folder from within Express Zip.

Moving folders: You can move a folder from one place to another in the Express Zip explorer window. Click and drag the folder you want to move and drop it over the folder you want to move it into. Note: It is not possible to move the root (topmost) folder. It is also not possible to move a parent folder into a child folder.

Renaming folders: You can rename a folder using the Express Zip explorer window. Select the folder you want to rename and select the Rename option from the Edit menu. You can also click on the folder name of the item selected in the explorer window to edit the name.

Adding folders or files: If there is a folder or file in the archive that you do want to include, you can add it by simply either use the Add File/Add Folder button (Ctrl+T/Ctrl+F) and selecting the item you want to add or select the item in the file explorer and drag it to the file list (right pane). Though not all archive types have this functionality, here are the 7 formats where Add File/Folder functionality is supported:

Note: It is not possible to add files/folders with special characters to .arj archives. Either rename the file manually or let ExpressZip rename it inside the archive with Renamed_File/Folder

Compression Level:

Express Zip can use several different levels of compression when creating a zip file. If you want to change the degree of compression to compress zip files and be able to efficiently email them, you may do so by going to the menu tab and clicking on "File"

A dropdown will appear and from here, you can choose the Compression Level option and select from Fastest, Fast, Normal, Small, or Smallest.

Be advised that these options vary in accordance with the amount of compression to be made, as well as the varying speed in which your compressed files will be processed. With the "Fastest" option equivalent to processing the compression in the fastest possible time but not the smallest possible compression size, and the "Smallest" option equivalent to compressing the file in the smallest possible size, yet will take more time to process.