Work Hours Report

FlexiServer Productivity and Attendance Software

Help v 7.09

This report tells you how many hours a user worked during a certain period of time. The work hours report is calculated according to the user's activity log, which requires the user to keep FlexiStation running while working on their computer.

If you search for an individual user's work hours, it will show you the work hours on each individual day during this period with summaries on the bottom.
If you search for several users, it will only show you the summary results for each user.

This following items are shown in this report:

  • User Name

  • Date

    Will either summarize the total days shown, or so the date for that entry.

  • Time Start

    The first logon time of a day.

  • Time End

    The last active time FlexiServer has records of the user's activity in a day.

  • Break Time

    The time during which there is no activity on the computer (key strokes, mouse clicks or mouse wheel movement), and it is longer than tolerance time.
    If the user takes a lunch time during the day, the break time will be subtracted by his lunch duration. If the break time he took is less than the lunch duration, the remaining part will be subtracted from Idle time.

  • Active Time

    The time during which there is activity on the computer, accumulated together as the effective work hours.

  • Idle Time

    The times, shorter than the tolerance time, during which there is no activity on the computer.

  • Manual Time

    The work time that the user manually entered work hours via manual work hour entry on FlexiStation or through the webpage of FlexiServer.

  • Private Time

    The total private hours spent during the specified period of time.

  • Total Work Hours

    The summary of the user's work hours during a certain period of time.
    When the strict hours formula is used, this consists of Active Time, Idle Time and Manual Time.
    When the strict hours formula is not used, this consists of Active Time, Idle Time, Manual Time and Break Taken (except lunch break).

Work Hours Report© NCH Software
NCH Software