To 'amplify' is to increase the loudness or volume levels of the selected region. To make a part of the recording softer or louder, select it and then use the menu Effects -> Amplify. The volume is entered in percent (100 being no change, 50 being -6dB softer or 200 being +6dB louder).
The chorus sound effect is used to make one voice or one instrument sound like 3 voices or instruments by playing the original with variably delayed and slightly pitch changed copies of the original.
Note: Chorus is a very useful way to make a mono source sound more stereo. You should convert your file to stereo within an audio editing application first before using Chorus.
The Compressor reduces the volume of any sound which exceeds its "Threshold" setting. When a signal exceeds the threshold, the compressor gradually attenuates the sound to bring it down below the dB level, and does it in such a way that the listener will not be aware the attenuation is occurring.
The "Ratio" setting defines the ratio of the reduction in volume of sounds which exceed the compressor threshold. For example, if the ratio is 4:1 and the volume exceeds the threshold by 4dB, then the volume will be reduced to only exceed the threshold by 1dB. Note that a ratio of 1:1 means that there will be no change in volume; it effectively turns the compressor off.
The "Limit" setting defines the maximum decibel level that the sound will be allowed to rise up to. For example, if the limit was set to -2dB, then you would never hear the volume level of the sound get louder than -2dB. Any signal over the set limit value would be clipped, which would probably cause distortion. Note that setting limit to 0dB effectively turns sound limiting off.
While normally we do everything to reduce distortion, sometimes you want to add it. It is popular for use with guitars. The distortion is measured between 0.0 (off and 1.0 clipping). You also specify the level where it kicks-in in dB.
For a more consistent sound, you should apply Dynamic Range Compression first before you add distortion.
An echo is a repeat of the sound after a short time (usually 400 - 1000ms). It sounds a bit like the person is in a large stadium or is shouting between two mountains.
To add echo select the region and use the menu Effects -> Echo then specify the duration and amplitude of the echo. The duration is the length of time after which the sound repeats - usually this is between 400 and 1000ms. The amplitude can be between 1 - 99% (99 being a very loud echo).
A Flanger sound effect is similar to the phaser except that the delay is slowly modulated over time. You specify the starting delay time, the frequency of modulation, the depth of modulation and the wet dry gain (100% for wet, 0% for dry).
High-Pass Filter
A high-pass filter (sometimes called a low cut filter) removes all low frequencies below a specified Hz. This is useful if you want to make your recording sound 'clearer' or less 'muddy'. It is very usual to use a high-pass filter of about 300Hz on all voice recordings to improve intelligibility.
To pan audio in a stereo configuration is to fade the audio between the left and right channels.
Reverb is many small reflections of the sound that come after a set time. It usually occurs when someone is speaking in a room, hall etc. More reverb is called wet, no reverb is called dry.
Use the menu Effects -> Reverb and enter the reverb level and time. The reverb level is the amplitude - 99 is very wet, 0 is dry. The time can be between 100 and 800ms - 200ms sounds like a small room or 800ms a large hall.
If you add too much reverb it can sound like the person is in a pipe or in the bathroom.
See Equalizer
To 'normalize' is to adjust the volume so that the loudest peak is equal to (or a percentage of) the maximum signal that can be used in digital audio. Usually you normalize files to 100% as the last stage in production to make it the loudest possible without distortion. Another reason to normalize is to have multiple tracks sound equally loud, or to have equal average loudness.
The 'Peak' normalization method finds the sample of the greatest magnitude within the file. Normalization is then done with this value as the peak. With the Normalize Peak Level set to 100% (0dB), the whole file will be amplified so that the peak reaches 0dB.
Noise Removal
To use this all you need to do is enter the level below which you expect noise. Usually this is between -30dB and -20dB. If not enough noise is reduced increase the value. If too much is reduced decrease it.
Surround Sound
See Surround Sound
Some audio effects have a list of presets. Select a preset to quickly set all the parameters of an effect to some commonly used values.