When creating a new file Prompt for Sample Rate and Channels Select this option if you want WavePad to prompt for sample rate and channels when you create a new audio file. Use Defaults Select this option if you want to use the default sample rate and channels when creating a new audio file. When this option is selected you will be able to change the default sample rate and channels. The sample rate must be between 6000 and 192000 samples per second (see General Audio Concepts). When saving a file Prompt for File Format Settings Select an option to adjust how WavePad prompts you each time you save a file for the quality settings you would like to use. This option is convenient if you always want to save with the same file format and format settings. You can choose to set this when using 'Save' or 'Save As', or for both. If you choose to set for only ‘Save’ operation, then changing the file format settings with ‘Save As’ will change the default settings of ‘Save’ Operation, or vice versa. Here are the options: - Prompt Always - WavePad prompts you each time you save a file
- Prompt on First Save of File - (Available for 'Save' operation only) WavePad prompts only on the first time the file is saved. The last used file format settings will be used as default for all future file ‘Save’ operation of the file.
- Never Prompt - WavePad will use the last used file format settings as default for all future file ‘Save’ or ‘Save As’ operation.
Context Menu Add WavePad into File Explorer context menu Select this option if you want to add WavePad into the right-click context menu in File Explorer for all supported audio file formats. For example, with this option selected, right-click on a .wav file in File Explorer and you should see an item called "Edit with WavePad" in the menu that appears. Default file name Use this field to enter your own naming format for the untitled files The following field(s) can be used in the default file name format - %autonumber% - auto increase number
- %YYYY% - current year
- %MM% - current month
- %DD% - current day
- %HH% - current hour
- %MIN% - current minute
- %SS% - current second
The "Reset" button will reset the format to the default one if you have changed it. The "Reset Auto Number" button resets the next auto increase number to be used by %autonumber% to 0. Email Some operations in WavePad may include the option to send an email. You can setup your email options here by clicking the Configure Email Settings... button. |