Screen References - User Settings ~ Send Method

Dial Dictate

Help v 4.28

Note: All dictations are copied to the backup folder after they've been sent.

Send Method

For each user, you can select how the dictation will be sent.

  • None:

    The dictation will not be sent.

  • Express Delegate:

    Express Delegate (v4.00 or above) is a dedicated dictation workflow management server. It offers several advantages over other send methods, such as the ability to automatically assign typing tasks to members of typing pools based on customizable rules and criteria.

    The Express Delegate server can be a computer that is accessible across a LAN (local area network) or the internet. The Express Delegate administrator will need to create an account before you can logon to the server. Please consult the Express Delegate help for more information on installing Express Delegate, configuring the server, and creating user accounts.

  • FTP:

    Send dictations directly to an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server. Note that you must have your own directory on this server. You do not need to host your own server - almost all ISP web hosting services offer FTP access which is suitable and very affordable, and the server can be located anywhere in the world. NCH Software provides a list of recommended FTP hosting services here.

  • Email:

    If you select this option, the recipient will be sent the dictation as a file attached to an email.

  • Local Folder:

    If your typist is in your own office the fastest way to send typing to them is over your LAN (local area network). For this, your typist must have a share folder on the network - if necessary ask your systems administrator to create a suitable folder.

    Alternatively, this option can be used for writing dictations to a removable media such as a USB memory device or a floppy disk.

Express Delegate Options


  • Address:

  • Port
    The server port number.

  • Secure connection (SSL/TLS)
    Check this check-box to encrypt data transfers to and from the server.


  • Email address / password:
    The Express Delegate user account logon email and password. Please consult the Express Delegate help for information about how to reset your password if you have lost it.

  • Test connection:
    Click to attempt a connection to the server using the current server and logon details. If the connection is successful then details of the server will also be shown.

FTP Options

  • Server:

    eg. (or to specify a non-default port number).

  • Secure Connection (FTPES):

    Check this check-box to encrypt data transfers to and from the server, if the server is capable of doing so.

  • Logon type:

    Select whether to use a user account or log on anonymously.

  • User Name / Password (if logon type is not anonymous):

    The FTP account name and password.

  • Folder:

    A sub-folder of the default FTP server folder.
    eg. /typing
    Leave this field blank to use the default folder.

  • Test connection:

    Click to attempt a connection to the server using the current server and logon details.

Email Options

  • Destination email address:

    The email address of the typist.

  • Email settings...:

    Click this button to select between the available email protocols (eg. MAPI or SMTP), and configure server and log-in details.

  • Test email:

    Enter an email address and click "Send test email..." to test the email settings.

    If the test email doesn't arrive, or an error is reported, please refer to Problems when sending email using our software for trouble-shooting information.

Local Folder Options

  • Destination Folder or Drive:

    A shared network folder (eg. "H:\Shared\Typing\My Typist"), or the local drive letter of a removable storage device (eg. "E:\").

See also:
User Settings ~ User
User Settings ~ Dictation
User Settings ~ Details

Screen References - User Settings ~ Send Method© NCH Software
NCH Software