User - User Enabled
The user may be disabled or bared from connecting to the system be un-ticking the User Enabled option.
This is an easy way to stop a user from using Dial Dictate without deleting their entry.
The user may then be reactivated be ticking the option.
User - User Name
User's name, this can only be changed when using a site license as it is linked to the user's registration.
User - DialDictate Access Code (PIN)
The DialDictate Access Code is the PIN code the user dials to identify themself to DialDictate. This should not be confused with their Dictator ID which identifies the user within the system, this can not be changed. The Access Code can be changed at anytime and should be treated as a password.
The Access codes can be either stored within DialDictate or retrieved from an ODBC enabled database, see the User Access Code on Options ~ Users. When using DialDictate to store the Access Codes, DialDictate will check that the entered Access Code is unique across all of the users and will prompt you to use another code if it is already in use. If DialDictate is retrieving the Access Codes from a database, you should make sure that the database enforces uniqueness for them.
Note: DialDictate versions prior to version 4.09 did not enforce uniqueness of the Access Code when they were saved. So, if the system has been upgraded from a version prior to 4.09 please check that all of the saved Access Codes are unique.
User - Advanced
This button gives access to advanced choices for the source of the Access Code, such as a database.
For more go to Advanced Access Code Settings.
User - Automatic Answer for Caller ID
DialDictate can be set to automatically skip the need to enter an access code if a call comes in with the caller ID for the user's phone. Often this is for cell phone use. To use this enter the number in this field.
Note: This option requires you hardware to support caller number ID detection and for your telephone company to carry the information. Check the log files for caller ID numbers to see if your hardware supports this.
User - Status
The Status area displays the recorded values for the user.
These values include: - Dictator ID
The ID assigned to this user. - Last Access Date
The last date that this user has used Dial Dictate. - Total Dictation Time
The accumulated time in seconds that this user has recorded in dictations. This value may be reset to zero by using the Clear Values button. - Total Time On-Line
The accumulated time in seconds that this user has been connected to Dial Dictate. This value may be reset to zero by using the Clear Values button.
See also:
User Settings ~ Send Method
User Settings ~ Dictation
User Settings ~ Details