If you have successfully followed all the steps of the installation process, you are ready to start using Eyeline.
Follow these steps to set up and start monitoring:
Starting or Stopping Recordings (Ctrl + R)
You can start recording on an individual camera by clicking on it and using the Record button (lower right part of the window). You can also right-click on any of the preview windows and select the Start or Stop option from the popup menu. Lastly, you can select the Start All Cameras (Ctrl + S) or Stop All Cameras (Ctrl + P) options from the Cameras menu or by right-clicking on the system tray icon for Eyeline.
When a camera is recording, its preview window will be outlined in red. Similarly the main window will also be outlined in red if its associated camera is recording.
Motion Detection (Ctrl + M)
Eyeline can respond to people moving or other motion in several ways. It can highlight the camera, email a person to respond and it can be made so it only records video when it sees motion. For more details see the Motion Detection section of this manual.
If you select Use Motion Detection in Options ~ Cameras ~ Properties the camera will only record when it detects motion.
Changing Cameras
If you move a camera (say from one USB port to another) you must delete the camera from Eyeline and add it again.
If you delete all cameras, Eyeline will automatically add any installed cameras. Otherwise Eyeline will never add new cameras. You must choose to add cameras using Options ~ Cameras.
Backup Recordings
When a recording is complete (you stop recording on a camera, or a set file size is reached) Eyeline can take a number of actions.
Please note running a custom program while running as a service may require you to log on to a specific account. For more details, please see Options ~ General.
For details on these please see Options ~ Transmit.
Viewing your recordings (Ctrl + F)
To view recordings click on the button labeled Find and Play. Eyeline will display a window which you can use to browse your file system for recorded files. It will also allow you to play, rename and burn your recordings. For more information please see the help section on Find and Play.
Running Eyeline from the system tray
By selecting Eyeline-->Close to tray from the Eyeline menu or using the keyboard shortcut Alt + F4 you are able to leave Eyeline open and recording in the background.
The Eyeline icon will appear in the system tray while Eyeline is running in the background without cluttering up your taskbar. You can right-click Eyeline's icon in the system tray to reopen Eyeline.