Main Window

KeyBlaze Typing Tutor

Help v 4.02

Tabbed Toolbar
  • Lessons
    • Intro - Read about the basics of touch-typing.
    • Lessons - Select a lesson.
    • Start - Start the next lesson.
    • Pause/Resume - During a lesson, practice exercise or speed test, click this button to pause the timer and to temporarily clear the screen. To resume the lesson, exercise or test, click this button again.
    • Stop - Stop the currently running exercise.
  • Practice
    You can do practice exercises or practice taking dictation from available sound recordings which are downloaded on demand.
    • Practice - Select a practice exercise from a list of prose, poetry, drills, revision exercises, professional exercises, or load a custom exercise. You can also select audio dictations or custom dictations to practice with.
    • Select Dictation - Select a dictation from a list of those available on the NCH website.
    • Start - Start playback of the selected dictation sound file.
    • Pause / resume - Pause or continue playing the selected dictation sound file.
    • Stop - Stop playback of the selected dictation sound file.
    • Compare - You may compare what you have typed with the transcription of the sound file. You will be asked if you wish to do a comparison when the sound file stops playing, and the compare button will be active as long as there is a selected dictation and whenever the sound file is not playing.
  • Games
    KeyBlaze will incorporate games which are designed to increase speed and accuracy as they are developed.
    • Key Blizzard - Type the words as they fall from the top of the screen
    • Thirty Seconds to Type - Type the words as fast as you can
    • Typing Hero - Type the letter that appears exactly when the letter crosses the line
  • Tests
    You can take speed tests of a chosen duration with KeyBlaze
    • Speed Test - Click to take a speed test. You will select the duration, and choose a random or custom speed test.
  • Results - Displays statistics about exercises and tests taken. In the toolbar, click the Goal WPM button to change your words-per-minute goal. Click the High Scores button to view your high scores from keyboard tests and numeric keypad tests. Click the Reset Results to clear all statistics.
    • Reports - Manage progress reports.
    • Add User - Add an additional user to KeyBlaze, with their own results and lesson progressions.
    • Remove User - Remove any user you no longer want on KeyBlaze.
  • Help - Open the user manual for KeyBlaze.

Source text

The text of the current exercise is displayed here. The next character to be typed is highlighted by a focus rectangle. Words that have been typed incorrectly are highlighted in red and corrected words are highlighted in green.

Typed text

Any text that you type is displayed here. Words that have been typed incorrectly are highlighted in red.

Keyboard display

The location of the key for the next character in the exercise is highlighted here.
"Ghost" hands are superimposed over the keyboard which show the proper finger to use.
When beginning an Overview lesson, an animation will play showing you what keys the lesson teaches until you begin typing.


When taking a speed test, the time bar represents visually how much time remains until the test finishes.
If Show Timer is selected in the General tab of the Options dialog, a digital clock will be displayed to the left of the keyboard. The clock will show remaining time for speed tests, and elapsed time for all other exercises.

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NCH Software