Selected files in the main Pixillion image file list can be combined into a single DOCX, PDF, TIFF or HEIC file by clicking the Combine button on the toolbar or by selecting File->Combine. The order of combined files can be rearranged in the Combine Images dialog window. Note: The Combine feature is enabled when both of the following conditions are met: - Two or more files in the list are selected.
- DOCX, PDF, TIFF, or HEIC is selected as the output format.
Combine Images dialog The Combine Images dialog is where you select the order of your images. The default order of your images is the order they were in the image file list. To edit the order, select a file, then,use the Move Up and Move Down arrow buttons on the right of the dialog window. - Move Up: Move the selected file up one spot in the list.
- Move Down: Move the selected file down one spot in the list.
Combine images Once your image files are in the proper order, combine the files into a single image file by pressing the Combine images... button at the bottom of the dialog window. In the Combine Images As dialog, enter a File name and browse to the location you would like to save the new file. |