Showing Effects Window
The Effects window will open when adding or editing effects. See Video Effects or Audio Effects for getting started adding or editing effects.
Add Effects, Custom Effect Chains or Plugins
button to open the effect list. You can select an effect or custom effect chain to add to the current clip.
A custom effect chain is a saved template which contains multiple effects. The order of the effects and the parameter values are also saved in the custom effect chain.
You can also select Load Plugin to load a plugin from a file.
Select Current Effect
Click an effect's title bar to select an effect. The effect's title bar will become blue to indicates it has been selected.
Clip Preview will show the effect widget and allow you to edit the current selected effect.
Remove Effects
Click x on the right side of the title bar to remove the effect.
Show/Hide Effect Details
Click - at the left side of the title bar to minimize the effect details.
Click + at the left side of the title bar to maximize the effect details.
Effect Preset
Some effects have defined preset options. A preset can be chosen from the Select Preset drop-down menu beneath the title bar.
Effect Parameter Menu
Some effect parameters have options which can be selected from the Effect Parameter Menu. The Effect Parameter Menu can be opened by clicking the
You can reset, copy and paste the animation curve by using the Effect Parameter Menu. You can also change the curve by selecting from predefined curves.
Animate Effects
Some effect parameters can be animated using the Effect Animation Editor. The editor can be shown by pressing the
For more details on animating effects, please see Animating Video Effects.
Effect Masking
An effect mask defines a specific region to apply effects. Without a mask, effects are applied to the entire frame. With a mask, effects are only applied to the specified region.
An effect mask can be added by clicking the
For more details on using the effect mask, please see Effect Masking.
Save Custom Effect Chain
Click the
button to save the current effect chain as a custom effect chain.
Saved effect chains can be found in the effect list in the Custom Effect Chains section.
Edit Custom Effect Chain
Click the
button to open the custom effect chain list where you can rename or delete custom effect chains.
Change Effect Order
buttons to move a selected effect up or down in the effect list.
Alternatively, you can also use mouse drag and drop to rearrange the order.
Apply Effects To Multiple Clips
to Replace the effects for all selected clips in the timeline.
to Append effects to the end of the effect chain for all selected clips in the timeline.